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"Life and Death at the Dog Park" reviewed in Hill Rag

The Critics Have Spoken! The Gorilla is happy to announce that "Life and Death at the Dog Park" is reviewed in this month's Hill Rag and she likes it! She really likes it! This event started with a walk down 8th Street SE in Capitol Hill where I came across two ladies sitting behind a table and promoting the Literary Hill Bookfest. They told me they were looking for local writers to participate in the festival and have their books reviewed by the literary editor at the Hill Rag. Done and Done.

Here’s what the reviewer, Karen Lyon has to say, “In Life and Death at the Dog Park” Scott Sowers convincingly creates a social circle of dog park regulars ‘all in their own way, social misfits,’ who meet every day to exercise their canine companions – and their tongues. They chat, bond, bicker, and snipe at each other. And quite possibly one of them may have committed murder.”

The Gorilla was also on hand at last months DC Author Festival were he represented the publishing house, the Novels in Progress group and two recent books. “Life and Death at the Dog Park” by Scott Sowers and “The Adventures of Sarkis and Hagop,” by John Vartoukian. Something must have worked because book sales were up in October. Woo Hoo!

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